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The Story Continues



Bombon means Marshmallow in Spanish.


He is a mix of Podenco and others breeds which we do not know.


He used to live in the streets of somewhere in the south of Spain and then he lived in a dog pound for some time that nobody knows how long it was.

He was scared, he had no shine in his fur and had scars in his face.

He had no idea how peanut butter, raspberries, smoked salmon and mango tasted.


One day we found each other and we are family now. Like we were meant for each other.


Plants are beautiful. I like their company and nourishing their growth and health. They bring me peace, clean air and give me a purpose. I talk to them and play music for them when I can.

Cactus flower
Photograph of a workshop with tables and tools in a large room, by Devin Berko

Do It Yourself

I like tools.

I do wood  and metal working.

I have weld in the past

I do pottery.

I fix things myself when I can.

I have tiled floors and walls.

I have knocked down walls.

I am not afraid to use a wood saw to cut a tree trunk.


I love food.

Street Food in a market, woman is mixing contents in a big pot

Painting and Drawing

I drew this one for my grandparents. Pastels on paper.

I also use oil, acrylic and coloured pencils in my work.


I love to travel!

Photo of an airplane wing with clouds, above the Clouds
Iceberg top and bottom visible in digitally produced image by SIMON LEE


What you see is the tip of an iceberg. Do not make assumptions about me, ask me.

Disability and Neurodiversity

It is estimated that 15% of the human species has a different way of experiencing and understanding the world due to neurological differences, compared to the other 75%. #neurodiversity


Incidentally, also %15 of the human species has a disability.

Neurodiversity loop.jpg
Assistance dog looking at gelato in a cone

Bombon is an
Assistance Dog

Bombon wears a uniform and comes with me everywhere. He helps me stay alive, to go places I would not go if he was not with me and he helps me be social to other humans. We are trained by

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